I saw some fireflies tonight. Around the witching hour, as I was sitting in my hottub, soaking my sprained ankle. You've seen them before, right? Actually, you don't see the insect, you see the flash of light they occassionaly emit as they are flying around. You can guess what that flash of light is used for -- that's right, to attract a mate, so they can reproduce, so they can evolve (not consciously of course, they are just being fireflies, but in the end, that flash of light is one manifestation of the evolutionary process).
I also met some fireflies tonight. In Cambridge, at EnlightenNext, where yesterday I attended a seminar by Andrew Cohen, and today I attended a meditation session. Both of those were cool, and I'll write later about Andrew's talk, and where I think he is coming from. But the really interesting part of this evening was the discussion afterward. That's where I met the fireflies. Emitting flashes of insights -- sometimes brightly, othertimes barely visible.
Their purpose was just as clear. To attract a mate. Well, not in the procreative sense, but in the co-creative sense. These fireflies are also evolving, with the key difference that they are aware of their own role in the process. And so these flashes are to attract others who are ready, to nuzzle up together and find out if their ideas can stimulate one another's. And in the process, they fervently hope, to help brighten the midnight hour.
It was great fun, and I long for such conversation. As to whether we play an active role in evolutionary consciousness -- my jury is still out. But only good can come from sharing these ideas, and discussing their implications. Helping each other avoid inevitable obstacles, and to help light the way when the night becomes pitch black.
Fireflies with flashes of insights. And how about you? Are you ready to shine your light? If so, please join the discussion; and if you are not sure, then let your eyes follow the flashes in the darkness -- you'll know that the fireflies are out there. And they have an evolutionary urge to illuminate.
I had a similar experience. Last night I was not tired, and went to bed very late. And yet I woke up fully rested this morning. And then more good things happened today (see tomorrow's post). I find that my creative energy, or contemplative nature, or spirituality comes in waves. And when it does, I just want to hop on and yell Cowabunga! Thanks for stopping by and sharing.
Stunning picture! I had the privilege of witnessing fireflies flashing in a wide field of fallow bluebells a few nights ago. That was nature's fireworks display for me--to celebrate the Fourth! Thank you for this.
You are too kind Ravenelvenlady.
You no doubt read the photo's caption, and realize this photo is really a computer enhancement -- it is actually a picture of white snow ;-) Ha!
But it went along well with my topic that day, oh so long ago, when I was reflecting.
Thanks for your visit, and reminder to me, of what I truly value.
All the best,
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