Friday, February 18, 2022

"Everything Is Magic, Until You Think It's Not"


So for those of you that aren't familiar with the band known as Cloud Cult and their singer/songwriter Craig Minowa, this is one of their songs.  The title of this post is just a line in their song "No Hell", which is from their album "The Seeker."  (Perhaps a good hint as to why I've come to love them.)

Anyways, I first learned about them from this interview by Krista Tippett's OnBeing podcast.  You can listen to that if you want to get a nice sense of and introduction to the band (and hear three of their songs if you play the unedited version - it's better, trust me). You may also learn something about me, and perhaps realize why I was so drawn to them.  As Craig says, "our supporters are seekers."

There is so much about them, on so many different levels, that make them so meaningful to me.  I hope you like this song, the band, Craig, and maybe, see the depth and the hopefulness of their message.

You can also find them on Patreon.  They are totally independent of the music industry, and do a great job of staying in touch with their Patreons (in fact, that is how they made it through the pandemic so well; that, and a very dedicated fan base).  

May you enjoy their music, philosophy, mysticism, and hopeful message.

Sunday, February 13, 2022


A Soft and Gentle Light ... Let It Be ... A Soft and Gentle Reminder -- February 2020, Kailua, HI, iPhone 11 Pro

A Soft and Gentle Reminder

In honor of Thich Nhat Hanh

I set up a meditation bell

Using his Plum Village app

Such that, every so often

It rings its soft and gentle chime 

To bring me back to the present moment

Actually, it doesn’t bring me back

It softly, and gently, reminds me

Such that I may choose

To stop and to breathe and to Be

Soft and gentle, mindful and present

Magically transported to the Now

To witness that alchemic change 

From a contracted and tense ego

To something soft and gentle, in an instant

It's really quite magical

Some might even say, miraculous

And here’s another benefit

I'm finding it quite astonishing 

Just how fast my life is flowing past me

When I’m not fully present

So how would you like to spend

Your one luminous Life?

Would you like a soft and gentle reminder?