A little racy, yes? Now I know why they call the plant Bee Bomb (I know, I know, it's not spelled that way ;-) These two are certainly having a bomb of a time.
Ah, evolution in progress. All creatures embrace the flow. It is their natural state -- our minds tend to get in the way. Can you find ecstacy in the garden? Smell the delicate earthy fragrance. Open your eyes to nature's rich, oily palette. Feel her warm, tender petals. Taste the rich, luscious nectar. Sense the buzz of life all around, and become electrified.
You only have to Be and you will have your balm.
Don't Do the Dew -- Be the Balm. And Go with the Flow.
I've taken a look at a few of the pictures, and I must say that those are really nice! You're really talented! You can count on me coming back for more :)
How very kind of you. I look forward to your visits, and please feel free to offer your thoughts.
Speaking of being and doing, here's another viewpoint:
It is easier to meditate than to actually do something for others. I feel that merely to meditate on compassion is to take the passive option. Our meditation should form the basis for action, for seizing the opportunity to do something.
-His Holiness the Dalai Lama
A very good point, Pat. Once again, the words get in the way -- always in the way of our true understanding, which I suspect is shared in this case.
As our physician's are taught, according to Hippocrates: "First, do no harm".
If one is drunk, would it be better for him to "do" something in that altered state, or to "be", until the alcohol is out of his bloodstream.
If one gets separated from her hiking party, is it better for her to panic and run around the woods hoping to find a way out, or to sit still on the path and wait -- for some time -- to get her bearings straight, and possibly to be found by a fellow traveler coming back to where she was last seen.
My point is that most of us are not really awake. We are living in an altered state of reality, and we are genuinely lost. In such situations, we would be much better off to sober up, and get our bearings straight. And perhaps we will recognize a fellow traveler as we sit quietly and contemplate.
From that awakened state, I would agree, there is much that can be done in terms of Love and Compassion. But it absolutely comes from a different place, with a different -- a higher -- perspective.
As a result, what you "do" will be entirely different than if you are still unaware -- still hung over from life, with a small "l".
Once again, Pat, it brings me back to something I’ve said many times, but here in different words, as reported by Luke "Physician, heal thyself".
As always, thanks for stopping by and sharing your views. Your introspection is well-focused these days, and I value your input.
What *is* the correct spelling for "bee bomb"? (I looove these plants, but can't seem to find any info on planting/how to find/where they'll grow...)
Hi Vik,
I think the correct spelling is "Bee Balm", as in a salve for the bees, rather than an explosion ;-)
Thanks for the visit. You are going way back into the blog history.
That last line (love it, btw) sounds like something this guy might say :)
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