Ever get that "out of kilter" feeling? When for whatever reason, you are not standing as straight and tall as you'd like? Fighting against something -- nature, wind, time? Perhaps your foundation is not well prepared.
Sounds like a wake-up call to me. A warning that someting is not right -- perhaps not in alignment with your core beliefs, your intentions, your heart.
Hey, I consider that good news. It means we are designed with a feedback loop that helps us course-correct. Shore up the foundation. Apply a little TLC. And the sooner the corrections are made, the better off you'll be. Before too much damage is done. Before someone comes by to condemn.
Blessed is the wake-up call. Perhaps it is even divine. Who knows -- but welcome it.
Great picture...it actually had me "leaning."
I like the message too!
Thanks Honeybee. Isn't it amazing how everyday things can be a metaphor for our lives? I guess that is because everyday things really are our lives.
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