Are you looking a little weathered? Is your paint beginning to peel? Are your shingles all intact?
Chances are, if you have any life experience points at all, you've been exposed to the weather of life, and have some tell-tale signs. Maybe you should get resided? Scrape off the old and throw on a new coat of paint? What do you think? Madison Avenue would be pulling for you.
Or maybe, just maybe, you kinda like the look. It acknowledges the experiences you've gained over the years. Would you trade those in? Most people I've talked to -- myself included ;-) -- wouldn't trade that wisdom for anything. At least that's true for people who have been growing and gaining insights throughout their lives.
It makes living so much more rewarding. Less taken for granted. More depth to each experience. With a soul that shines through.
That's what I see in this building -- lots of soul. A neat, funky place that would just be fun to poke around in. Find the shop owner and have a cup of tea. Share stories and wisdom.
Yep, a little weathered over here. Thank God.
Ah yes. The weathering is like paint on a canvas. It practically tells the story for you.
I'll heat some water in the teakettle…
Yes, I have been getting into teas lately. Would you like a Rooibush Lemon or a China Oolong Kwai Flower? Yummy.
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